After Retirement - Helping the Community and Society
If you would like to help in the wider community, there are innumerable activities that you can get involved with. No matter where in the world you live, there are always plenty of people who would benefit from your help.
In developed countries, you could help by volunteering at any number of associations or organizations, formed to promote certain causes. These could be related to a wide variety of areas: health issues such as cancer or Alzheimers, political organizations such as Amnesty International; religious groups such as World Vision and many more.
If you live in a developing country, you could join a group or organization which helps those who have are less fortunate than others, in terms of financial, educational and professional opportunities. There, poverty may be widespread. Any step to deal with it and its consequences would be extremely beneficial. Teach a child to read. Organize a clothing drive. Recycle old pairs of eyeglasses. The possibilities are endless.

In all societies, there are also people who become subject to special disabilities because of accidents of all kinds. The death of the main income earner in a family may prevent the members of that family from being able to function in a normal manner in acquiring an education or the skills that are required in later life. In some societies, little or nothing may be done for such unfortunate persons. Activities aimed at seeking out such persons and providing them with the resources they need together with guidance in using those resources effectively would be highly appreciated.
Groups of retired persons in poorer countries can work together to find those who have suffered from misfortune. Groups of retired persons in richer countries can ensure that the resources that are needed for this purpose are made available and are properly used.